
L'univers étendu => Technique & Roller Coasters => Discussion démarrée par: tizot le 23 Avril 2005, 13:19:36

Titre: INTERVIEW de maitre STENGEL
Posté par: tizot le 23 Avril 2005, 13:19:36
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désolé c'est en aglais donc si quelqu'un a un bon traducteur ou à le courage et surtout la capacité de le traduire...
Titre: INTERVIEW de maitre STENGEL
Posté par: Didier - Coastervision - le 29 Avril 2005, 01:01:05
CitationRCPro: To begin, could you please tell us a little about yourself, your background in the amusement industry, and your job in general?

Stengel: You can find the answers in the book "Roller Coaster - der Achterbahn-Designer Werner Stengel" (in German only and already sold out.) As another source I include my curriculum vitae and professional career (state 1999) and an appendix.

RCPro: At what point did you find a true passion for roller coasters? At that point in your life, what made you want to become a designer of roller coasters?

Stengel: The first time I found a passion for Roller Coaster was the time, I was asked by Shipper and van der Ville for building (constructing) the first German steel Roller Coaster. There is no possibility to study Roller Coaster Engineering all over the world and due to the fact that almost all engineering disciplines are involved, I have believed in Roller Coaster future. This was the time I made the solution to make this job to 100%.

RCPro: People often regard you as the greatest roller coaster designer of all time, and an inspiration to younger children out there who aspire to follow in your footsteps. Do you have any words for them?

Stengel: If younger people are having the wish to become a Roller Coaster designer, they should have a big interest in physics, engineering in general and mathematics. After these basic items it would be of big benefit to become a structural or a mechanical engineer. If the heart is still beating for Roller Coasters the next step could be a traineeship in the industry. This is a long but the best way to become a Roller Coaster designer.

RCPro: Out of all your designs, is there one particular design that you favor the most in terms of, being a pleasure to design?

Stengel: Each new Roller Coaster is a new challenge for us. We love our work, because we can bring fun in everybody